In addition to having at your disposal the different options of tacos that exist in Mexico, the morning tacos in Monterrey include stews such as machaca with egg, barbacoa, shredded shredded beef, beans, egg in sauce, cortadillo and some more.
If you are from the region or are visiting, you may be interested to know where you can to drink the most delicious coffee or to what locations you can access with your dog but no doubt you want to know the best places for delicious snacks, and that’s why here is our list.
1. Tacos Villa de Santiago
This family business, founded in 1994, is one of the favorites of the people of Monterrey. The reason? They have maintained their original flavor for 27 years in their 10 branches.
The good treatment to their clients and staff is the key that positions them in our number 1 of the list. Paying attention to the smallest detail to make life easier for the customer and keep intact the delicious and characteristic flavor of their tacos.
what do we recommend you to order? The barbacoa and chicharrón tacos, but if that doesn’t convince you, you can choose from the 25 stews they have on their menu.
📍 More than 10 branches
2. Taquitos Mode
On their menu you will find hamburgers, menudo, beef broth, tortilla soup, enchiladas, meatballs, tortas and burritos, but the stars are undoubtedly the morning tacos. With 15 different flavors ranging from classic barbecue to stuffed chili.
📍 3 Branches
3. Tony’s Tacos
These tacos, which claim to have the highest quality in Monterrey, opened their doors in 1989. They have more than 12 guisados so you can choose the tacos you crave, and they also sell barbacoa by the kilo and menudo on Sundays. What more could you ask for?
📍10 Branches
4. Tacos Don Pancho
What started in 1968 as a traveling motorcycle stand, today is a renowned taqueria with more than 15 branches and with the H certificate, which guarantees the quality of the food and is granted by the Ministry of Tourism.
you can choose your tacos with flour or corn tortillas! Undoubtedly one of the favorites to eat tacos in the morning.
📍19 Branches
5. Tacos Piedra
If you are looking for tacos served in large quantities, Tacos Piedra is one of the best options. Which ones do we recommend? Chicharrón and Mexican style specials.
The trick here is the tortilla, which you can order plain or golden. Is your mouth watering yet? This is one of the infallible places to eat tacos mañaneros in Monterrey.
📍Lirios #1871, Cerro de la Silla
6. Frida Chilaquiles
A place with a traditional touch that has won the hearts of locals for more than 9 years. As the name says, you can enjoy a wide variety of chilaquiles and delicious morning tacos.
The best thing is This location is pet friendly so you can enjoy in the company of your furry friend.
📍4 Branches
7. El Güero
This taqueria has been pampering diners’ tummies since 1984. You will find shredded shredded pork, picadillo, chicharrón, barbacoa, roast pork, machacado and bean tacos.
📍Thursdays and Saturdays at the Florida Market. Sundays at the New Madero Market.